About Me

Frances Gorman

Hello, My name is Frances Gorman. I am a creative director and designer based in California, USA. I love minimalism and I create stunning websites. Feel free to contact me for any projects you might have in mind. Creative suscipit ante a hendre.

Birthday: 15 April 1990

Website: www.fgorman.com

Phone: +1 650 123 4444

Study: Univercity of Harvard

Degree: Master

Mail: info@fgorman.com

Linkedin: @francesgorman

Freelance: Available


HMM Space Inc.2020 - Present

UI/UX Designer & Web Developer

Robinhood Inc. 2018 - 2020

Senior Developer

Bauen Software Inc. 2016 - 2018

Web Developer


Stanford University 2013 - 2015

of California.

Specialization Course. 2011 - 2013

MIT University

Level High School. 2009 - 2011

San Fransisco

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Let's create the future

I'am available for commissions and collaborations,
and I’m excited to hear from you about new projects.

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